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Dr. S.K.Burman First Govt. Qualified Consultant of Vaastu has learned the Secrets and remedies of Vaastu in ancient Granths by his Guru Dr. Sh ukdev Chaturvedi (presidential awardee). Dr. S.K.Burman has also got the blessings of Dr. Poornachand Roa of Hydrabad who taught him easy remedial Vaastu tips and Numerology. DR. S.K. Burman is fortunate to work as Faculty of Vaastu and Numerolgy in Institute of Pt. Gopal Sharma. Same time Dr. S.K.Burman edited a few books of Pt. Gopal Sharma which were taught as text to Vaastu Students. Dr. S.K.Burman had been visiting faculty of Future Point chapters also. Dr. S .K.Burman is now visiting vaastu consultant of National and International Fame.